6DegreesMediaGroup.com is a Marketing and Public Relations Firm.

About 6DegreesMediaGroup.com

Marketing and Public Relations Firm working with individuals, non-profits, small business and large corporations.

Even though we have clients from across the globe, you won’t find smooth-talkers with fancy titles here. We’re just down-to-earth people that take the confusion out of marketing and public relations to help organizations like yours grow. That’s why when you call us, you will not reach a receptionist who will pass your call on to a lower-level staffer. That’s not us. You will talk to a key person in the company who will be handling your report from start to finish.

Our goal is to provide the highest level of service and provide enlightenment and education to individuals, non-profits and businesses to that they can increase their visibility through powerful communication tools.

Demographic Surveying Marketing Planning Social Media Marketing & PR Annual Reports and White Papers Search Engine Optimization and much more...[[Category:]]

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