
Classifieds Network


Excerpted from the website:

About the Classifieds Network
The Classifieds Network is the Web's first and only site that allows members to easily create and maintain their very own classified ads sections within minutes. Members can customize the appearance of their classifieds sections so that they have the same "look and feel" as the rest of their site. Previously, adding high quality classified ads to a web site was extremely difficult and required purchasing a CGI program and then attempting to install it. This required web site administrators to delve into such minutia as learning Unix permissions, learning the directory structure and location of various programs on their server, and many hours of trial and error spent in a frustrating attempt to get the program to work. Even after it was working, most of the programs available were extremely crude and limited in their feature sets, and upgrading was not even a possibility without losing all current ads. The goal of the Classifieds Network is to change all of that by making it easy to add classified ads to your web site. Moreover, all accounts are free.
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