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Interactive Community Educational Portal Leading Entire X-gen

Celebrating creativity, Celebrating children is our motto, and we believe very strongly that the youth of today should have a platform to air their opinions. ICEPLEX is a revolutionary idea aiming to harness the reach and popularity of the Internet through information, entertainment and edutainment resources.


Utilize-Internet as a strong tool to empower, educate and entertain the young and the young at heart, specifically pre teens and teens. A platform for the three most important communities to connect, interact and explore themselves not as individuals but as essential parts of the same community. The Students, The Teachers, The Parents. Mascots Each alphabet of ICEPLEX is represented by a mascot which has its own unique philosophy. Each mascot also represents an aspect of the Iceplexers' universe.


  • Iceberg - The Quencher

In its liquid state it is the quencher. In its gaseous state it is the drencher. In its solid state it is the wise one. Water expands when it freezes. But the wise one knows that if it gets heavy it will sink, killing all life in the ocean. Killing all those dependent on that life. Dependent; on that life giver, not becoming the life taker. The wise one not only satisfies your thirst for water, it also satisfies your thirst for knowledge. Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you, the first alphabet of Iceplex.

Iceberg. The Quencher. W.I.N. Avtaar. Information Academia.

  • Cirrus - The Catalyst

A famous actress once sang the song, "You are the wind beneath my wings". It encompasses the philosophy that we believe in.

Every single thing in existence has 2 faces. The good and the bad. We know the damage that can be wrecked by a typhoon or a cyclone or hurricane. That is the negative side. The positive aspect are the non tangibles, we are talking about hope, help, inspiration, motivation, a way of living. To all you teachers out there, to all the educators around the world, you are the wind beneath our wings. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the second alphabet of Iceplex.

Cirrus. The Catalyst W.I.N. Avtaar. Cultural Activities.

  • Earth- The Sustainer

It has been likened to a woman, a mother.

The holder of all things bright and beautiful, of all creatures big and small. The giver of life, of all things needed to support life. The house with no roof, no ceiling, no floor, yet it protects us. It gives us what we want, when we want. The genie of all genies. Just make sure you don't run out of the wishes it is granting you. There's nowhere else you can go. The place we call home. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the third alphabet of Iceplex.

Earth. The Sustainer W.I.N. Avtaar. Extremely Important People (E.I.P.)

  • Phoenix - The Resuscitator

In every culture, in every civilization, in every continent, you will find references to the "One that is reborn, one that is resurrected, one that is immortal". It is made up of various elements, typifying the entire cosmos; it has the head of the cock (the Sun), the back of a swallow as the crescent moon, its wings are the wind, its tail represents trees and plants, and its feet are the earth; it has five colours, symbolizing the five virtues. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the fourth alphabet of Iceplex. Phoenix. The Resuscitator. W.I.N. Avtaar. Physical Fitness.

  • Lightning - The Transformer

It is a powerful part of the earth's weather. Its single bolt is hotter than the surface of the Sun. It can strike five times in the blink of an eye. Creating light, sound and heat. Creating, changing, energizing, transforming. Energy is in all of us, energy is in everything we do. Creating, changing, energizing, transforming. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the fifth alphabet of Iceplex.

Lightning. The Transformer. W.I.N. Avtaar. Learning Initiatives.

  • Elemento - The Omnipresent One

It exists in a speck of dust, it exists in every single thing you can think of. And then some! Every single thing is made of it, you, me, the birds and the bees, the flora and fauna, the mountains and the seas, the earth and the solar system, the milky way and the entire universe. Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you, the sixth alphabet of Iceplex.

Elemento. The Omnipresent One. W.I.N. Avtaar. Extraordinary Achievements.

  • Xylon - The Oxygenator

We are; because it is. Its sheer existence sustains all life, all our lives. It gave us the very first thing to write on. It gives us both, the pencil and paper even today. It taught us how to travel better, how to build better, how to cultivate better, how to live better, how to breathe better. Its existence saves us, Its saving will ensure our existence. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the seventh alphabet of Iceplex.

Xylon. The Oxygenator. W.I.N. Avtaar. X- gen.

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