
Macclesfield directory / Macclesfield Millennium industrial and commercial directory 2000


Within this web site you will find listings of over 700 Chamber of Commerce member Companies and Organisations within the region. There are more than 2000 further industrial and commercial companies in the Commercial Directory.The Domestic Directory contains more than 2000 further service companies which can be of use to the householder. To find a business, service or product you will find a comprehensive search facility in the Directories section.

You will also find details about the Macclesfield Chamber of Commerce, Macclesfield Borough Council, Business Link and Cheshire County Council who are all sponsoring Macc Directory.

The Macc Directory in hardcopy, CD-ROM and Internet form, along with a whole range of associated facilities and useful information, is being produced jointly by Caro Publicity and Network Clinic Ltd . For further details regarding entry, advertising, hot-link or website building/development please contact:

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